PinnedSkills-First Revolution: Michael Patrick Small on Talent ValueThe traditional hiring process, emphasizing degrees and past job titles, is overdue for a shakeup. In an era where skills evolve rapidly…Jun 11Jun 11
OneVoice’s Michael Small: Innovating Tomorrow’s AirplanesAkkodis’ Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) initiative, “OneVoice,” is revolutionizing the way aircraft are designed and built.Jul 30Jul 30
Navigating the Future of CX: Michael Patrick Small’s Blueprint for Building a Customer-Centric…In fast-moving and ever-changing business landscapes, customer experience (CX) has emerged as the main competitive differentiatorJul 30Jul 30
Tech Leaders: Insights from Michael Patrick SmallThe global tech industry faces a talent shortage unlike any other. As technology progresses, companies need help finding professionals..Jun 18Jun 18
Smart Industry Expertise: Michael Patrick Small’s Vision for a Transformed Business Landscape, US Country President of The Adecco Group & President Akkodis NA , envisions a future where businesses thrive in a connected ecosystem…May 19May 19